

General and Sports Physiotherapy

KLINIK PM, Alicante

Physiotherapy in Alicante


La Fisiotherapy, a fundamental discipline in the field of rehabilitation, is based on the application of therapeutic techniques to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. From joint manipulations to therapeutic exercises, the Physiotherapy addresses pain and improves mobility and physical function.

At KLINIK PM, our treatments Fisiotherapy in Alicante They focus on offering effective solutions for a wide range of conditions. From sports injuries to chronic pain, our physiotherapists They use methods such as neuromodulation, ultrasound-guided dry needling and percutaneous intratissue electrolysis (EPI®) to address each case in a comprehensive and personalized way.

Our advisory Fisiotherapy They also include musculoskeletal ultrasound, a diagnostic tool that allows us to evaluate injuries to muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves. With a focus on patient recovery and well-being, at KLINIK PM we offer Physiotherapy designed to promote effective recovery and improve quality of life.

Physiotherapy in Alicante


What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a health discipline that uses therapeutic techniques to treat musculoskeletal and neurological injuries, diseases or disorders, with the aim of improving mobility, physical function and relieving pain.

What are the benefits of Physiotherapy?

The benefits of Physical Therapy include reducing pain, improving mobility and physical function, speeding up the recovery process after an injury or surgery, and preventing future injuries.

What types of treatments does Physiotherapy offer?

Physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments, including therapeutic exercise, manual therapy techniques such as joint manipulation and massage, electrotherapy, ultrasound, heat and cold therapy, as well as specialized techniques such as neuromodulation and dry needling.

Under what conditions can you benefit from Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is beneficial for a variety of conditions, ranging from sports injuries and car accidents to chronic musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as for rehabilitation after orthopedic or neurological surgeries.

What is musculoskeletal ultrasound?

Musculoskeletal ultrasound is an ultrasound imaging technique that we use in our Physiotherapy services in Alicante to visualize and evaluate soft tissues and musculoskeletal structures, which helps the physiotherapist to diagnose and treat injuries more accurately.

What is percutaneous intratissue electrolysis (EPI®)?

Percutaneous intratissue electrolysis (EPI®) is an invasive physical therapy technique that uses a galvanic electrical current to treat chronic tendon and muscle injuries, stimulating the tissue repair process and reducing pain.

What is ultrasound-guided dry needling?

Ultrasound-guided dry needling is an invasive technique that uses needles to treat myofascial pain syndrome caused by trigger points. It is performed under ultrasound control to precisely access the trigger point and reduce muscle pain.

What is neuromodulation and what benefits does it provide?

Neuromodulation consists of the application of electrical current to stimulate the peripheral nervous system and modulate the nerve impulse. Its benefits include reducing chronic pain, improving mobility and neuromuscular function.

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