

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations

KLINIK PM, Alicante

Infiltrations in Alicante


The infiltrations They consist of the precise administration of medications directly to the affected area, allowing effective relief of pain and inflammation. Among the most commonly used medications in these infiltrations are corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone or methylprednisolone, which have powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in the joints, is also frequently used in the joint pain treatment.

These procedures are especially useful for treating pain in various joints of the body. Among the joints most commonly treated with infiltrations They include the shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, foot and hand. By delivering medications directly to these areas, we can offer quick and effective pain relief as well as reduce inflammation to improve function and mobility.

In our Traumatology clinic y Pain Treatment in Alicante, we use advanced techniques of ultrasound-guided infiltrations. This means we use ultrasound to precisely guide the delivery of medication to the exact location where it is needed. This approach provides greater precision in drug placement, resulting in greater treatment effectiveness and a lower likelihood of side effects. In addition to corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid, we may also use other medications such as local anesthetics to provide immediate pain relief during the procedure.

Infiltrations in Alicante


What are infiltrations and how do they work?

Injections are medical procedures in which medication is injected directly into the affected area, such as a joint or soft tissue, to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Medications may include corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or local anesthetics, among others. They work by providing pain relief and reducing inflammation at the injury site.

For what conditions are infiltrations used?

They are used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, such as arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, sports injuries, among others. They are also useful in managing chronic pain associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis.

How is the infiltration procedure performed?

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization. They clean and disinfect the area to be treated and then inject the medication through a fine needle directly into the affected site, guided by ultrasound or fluoroscopy for optimal precision.

What are the advantages of ultrasound-guided infiltrations compared to "blind infiltrations"?

Ultrasound-guided infiltrations offer several advantages over “blind” infiltrations. First, ultrasound allows for real-time visualization of the internal anatomy, allowing for greater precision in medication placement. This reduces the risk of errors in needle placement and increases the likelihood that the medication will be delivered exactly to the affected area. Additionally, ultrasound-guided injections can provide more effective and long-lasting pain relief because the medication is delivered more precisely to the injury site. Finally, by minimizing the possibility of side effects and complications, ultrasound-guided injections are generally safer and can improve the patient's experience during the procedure.

How long does the effect of infiltrations last?

The effect may vary depending on the condition treated and the type of medication used. Generally, you can experience pain relief for several weeks or months, although in some cases it may last longer.

What are the possible side effects of infiltrations?

Side effects are usually mild and temporary, such as pain or discomfort at the injection site, redness, swelling, or bruising. In rare cases, infections or allergic reactions may occur.

What precautions should I take before and after an infiltration?

Before the procedure, it is important to inform the doctor of any drug allergies or history of clotting problems. After the procedure, you will be advised to limit activities and apply ice to the treated area to reduce swelling and discomfort.

When should I consider infiltrations as a treatment option?

You should consider them if you experience persistent pain in a joint or soft tissue that does not respond to other conservative treatments, such as oral medications, physical therapy, or alternative therapies.

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